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"You Said What?" - Becoming a Better Supervisor, Revised 2010 - Test
by Carol Falender, Ph.D.

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1. Providing supervision is Help
now viewed as a distinct practice area
part of the training of most psychotherapists in the U.S.
an area which has always required formal training
a minor form of transmitting clinical skills
2. 'Role invocation' refers to Help
a process in which the supervisor sets parameters for supervision
the supervisee telling the supervisor what he/she needs
a discussion to reach an agreement between parties on role of each
a theoretical discussion based on the supervision literature
3. Supervision is differentiated from therapy through which of the following supervisor behaviors Help
defining when he/she is therapist and when supervisor
exploring multiple aspects of supervisee's life indirectly
collaborating with supervisee's therapist for consistent approach
clarifying and exploring only those problems that create an impass in supervisee's work
4. Which of the following factors distinguish supervision from consultation: Help
licensure status
need for informed consent
requirement to follow directives
all of the above
5. A "Competencies" approach to supervision entails delineating necessary Help
all of the above
none of the above
6. Tools are available for competency-based assessment of psychology, social work, and marriage and family therapy supervisees. Help
7. A contract, or supervision plan Help
is an important part of developing the supervisory alliance
is setting specific with expectations for both parties
translates into the evaluation format
all of the above
8. The Hawkins and Shohet model of supervision gives priority to exploration of whose perspective and which issue? Help
supervisee and countertransference issues
supervisor and parallel process
client and content/process of session
all of the above
9. Microcounseling is a model of supervision training especially suited for Help
advanced supervisees
beginning supervisees
advanced supervisors
beginning supervisors
10. Developmental models are Help
lacking in empirical support
all of the above
11. Which of the following is/are important to consider in determining developmental level of supervisees Help
relationship with client (e.g., ongoing vs. crisis)
strengths of trainee
culture of trainee
all of the above
12. According to the Integrated Developmental Model (Stoltenberg, McNeill, and Delworth, 1998) which of the following are the constructs underlying the theory of supervisee development? Help
autonomy, awareness of self and other, and motivation
individual growth, support, and creativity
understanding, individuation, and anxiety
clinical skills, therapeutic orientation, and sense of humor
13. The major criticism of developmental theories has been their Help
linear progression of levels
lack of a set of skills or competencies towards which a trainee aspires
focus on increasing autonomy
experiential validity
14. Developmental theories are important for supervisors to study because Help
there is a large body of research in this area
they offer specific interventions and behavior for supervisors
client outcome studies support these theories
there is homogeneity across training levels
15. According to Stoltenberg et al., dependence-independence conflicts are most likely to occur at which developmental level of the supervisee? Help
Level one
Level two
Level three
Level four
16. Prescriptive supervisory interventions are most appropriate at which developmental level of the supervisee? Help
17. Which of the following statements is true about supervisor readiness Help
Supervisors with no clinical experience are less effective than those with substantial clinical experience.
Supervisees are always ready to become supervisors at the time of licensure.
There is no relationship between clinical experience and supervisory competence
18. Supervisee's receipt of direct feedback is an important characteristic of 'best supervisors'. Help
19. 'Best supervisor' characteristics have been empirically evaluated with respect to client outcome. Help
20. To measure effectiveness of supervisory sessions, analysis frameworks (e.g., Milne et al.) provide for exploring the Help
analytic meaning of supervisee behavior
qualities of the supervision hour
client dynamics
theoretical framework for understanding client
21. 'Gatekeeping' refers to the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure that supervisees: Help
have concurrent personal therapy as needed
have met particular competencies to responsibly progress to the next level of training or practice
keep personal disclosures out of their therapeutic relationships
maintain boundaries during supervisory sessions
22. 'Spurious compliance' refers to Help
supervisors who pretend to agree with supervisee wishes
supervisees agreeing to client requests against their clinical judgment
supervisees pretending to follow supervisory directives while doing whatever they thought to be correct
supervisees wanting to follow supervisory directives but being unclear on the steps involved
23. Supervisee nondisclosure (i.e., withholding important information from the supervisor) occurs infrequently. Help
24. Nondisclosures by supervisees to supervisors frequently include which of the following Help
cancellations by clients
negative feelings toward the supervisor
plans for vacation
all of the above
25. Studies show supervisors and supervisees agree on supervisor disclosure of amount of cross-racial supervision experience they have had and how frequently they initiate discussion of diversity topics. Help
26. Most of the multicultural frameworks consider which one of the following to be an essential first step in the process of becoming a more culturally competent supervisor Help
acquiring group specific cultural knowledge
gaining self awareness
understanding stereotypes
reading an article on diversity
27. The concept of 'cultural niche' refers to Help
an individual's total environment
a combination of several diversity descriptors of an individual
stereotypes based on group affiliation
all of the above
28. 'Respondeat Superior' refers to Help
discussion of factors relating to supervisory status
immunity of supervisors in certain states
vicarious liability
higher level of communication
29. The most common ethical violation reported by supervisees in supervision is Help
negative feedback
role conflict
lack of performance evaluation
authoritarian supervisors
30. An important reason for getting informed consent at the onset of the supervisory relationship is the potential for Help
skill set deficit in supervisee
supervisee personal disclosure
supervisor personal disclosure
lack of client progress
31. Multiple relationships with supervisees must occur off site from the supervision to be ethical. Help
32. In 'duty to warn' situations, the supervisor Help
may assume the supervisee has sufficient training in this area because it is the responsibility of the school program
is legally liable and must ensure that the supervisee follows all the steps in assessment and planning
should utilize this type of experience to allow the supervisee to develop autonomy
All of the above
33. Documentation of supervision sessions is Help
an unnecessary expenditure of time and effort
essential in ensuring that effective supervision occurs in all cases
contraindicated due to confidentiality issues
stressful for the supervisee
34. For effective supervision, there needs to be a balance between Help
negative feedback and criticism
criticism and praise
relationship factors and evaluation
approval and disapproval
35. The appropriate descriptive label for supervisees who do not meet performance criteria is Help
Impaired supervisee
lousy supervisee
problematic supervisee
bad supervisee
36. If you identify a supervisee as having problematic behavior it is critical to Help
document the specific behaviors and contexts
collect data to determine that the problem is not specific to only one supervisor
include your documentation in your discussion with the supervisee
all of the above
37. To decrease risk of burnout, Stevanovic and Rupert found it helpful for supervisors to: Help
vary their work responsibilities
take regular vacations
read professional literature to keep up to date
all of the above



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